Direct engagement & Verified new business

Direct engagement & Verified new business

Become an in-network Dorothy partner! Stay at the forefront of customer engagement and connect directly with Dorothy users requesting your services.

Become an in-network Dorothy partner! Stay at the forefront of customer engagement and connect directly with Dorothy users requesting your services.

New York City feels like 50° • NJ drought wiped out by heavy rains last weekend • Milder, more seasonable weather returns Saturday •

New York City feels like 50° • NJ drought wiped out by heavy rains last weekend • Milder, more seasonable weather returns Saturday •

New York City feels like 50° • NJ drought wiped out by heavy rains last weekend • Milder, more seasonable weather returns Saturday •

Join our network of property repair and service providers

Want to expand your reach beyond Dorothy Pro? By joining our network, we’ll connect you with property owners directly requesting our service providers and solutions, guaranteeing you first access to new customers in your area.

Join our network of property repair and service providers

Want to expand your reach beyond Dorothy Pro? By joining our network, we’ll connect you with property owners directly requesting our service providers and solutions, guaranteeing you first access to new customers in your area.

Join our network of property repair and service providers

Want to expand your reach beyond Dorothy Pro? By joining our network, we’ll connect you with property owners directly requesting our service providers and solutions, guaranteeing you first access to new customers in your area.

Here’s how our partnership works


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in-network partner

Sign up to become an 

in-network partner


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team member


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Here's how our partnership works


Sign up and become an in-network partner


Meet with a Dorothy team member


Gain access to Dorothy Pro to start monitoring your area


Receive notifications for property owners requesting your services

Here's how our partnership works


Sign up and become an in-network partner


Meet with a Dorothy team member


Gain access to Dorothy Pro to start monitoring your area


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2023 Dorothy


Join our newsletter to stay up to date on features and releases.

2023 Dorothy


Join our newsletter to stay up to date on features and releases.

2023 Dorothy